Learn The Essence of Good Music at Walter’s Educational Programs
Private Instruction - Guitar, Flute, and Voice
Walter Buckingham Visiting Artist Programs
For schools and educational institutions
(K through College) include:
Antique Musical
Instruments Demonstration
- Includes numerous rare and unusual antique string, reed, and woodwinds
Musical instruments history and evolution, and international origins
Musical instruments history and evolution, and international origins
Historical Troubadour/Bard and Storyteller.
Programs can be arranged for classroom groups or larger assemblies and adapted to fit current curriculum frameworks, and historical time periods, and can cross subjects to include Geography, Social Studies, and History, in addition to Music Education.

Historical Troubadour/Bard and Storyteller.
Programs can be arranged for classroom groups or larger assemblies and adapted to fit current curriculum frameworks, and historical time periods, and can cross subjects to include Geography, Social Studies, and History, in addition to Music Education.

Recent school performance reviews include:
"The teachers, principal, and kids all loved your performance. You have lovely a way with children. You blend an educational and fun experience, so the kids learn and have fun while they're learning."
Cindy S., Farmington, CT
Instruments: Guitar - Walter - Lute Guitar
Lap Organ - assorted flutes and reed instruments
Walter Buckingham's Experience:
Staff Musician, Old Sturbridge Village
Sturbridge, MA
Includes performing on pipe organ and other early 19th century instruments, directing choral music, research, and program development.
Licensed historical district
street musician
Plymouth, MA
Visiting artists, schools, universities, museums, historical societies, Elderhostel programs
Musical presentations and participatory programs for children and adults.
Staff Musician, Old Sturbridge Village
Sturbridge, MA
Includes performing on pipe organ and other early 19th century instruments, directing choral music, research, and program development.
Licensed historical district
street musician
Plymouth, MA

Visiting artists, schools, universities, museums, historical societies, Elderhostel programs
Musical presentations and participatory programs for children and adults.